When it comes to gender politics, many in opposition acknowledge that adults have the ability to choose for themselves whether they pursue hormone therapy or body-mutilating operations, because adults can better weigh the risks of their decisions. 

Children, on the other hand, are quite different from adults. Opponents of gender ideology are steadfast in the fight to keep these ideological procedures away from children because they understand how vulnerable they are to the manipulative nature of so-called “gender-affirming care.” Far too many kids have already become victims of medical experiments as it is.

This is what makes a recent law passed in Germany last week even more infuriating. On April 12, the Bundestag, or the German Parliament, “passed one of the world’s most far-reaching sex self-determination policies” known as The Self-Determination Act (SBGG). This radical legislation “establishes ‘gender identity’ as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change the sex marker on their children’s documents from birth,” Reduxx reported.

Citizens can now be fined 10,000 euros for “deadnaming,” which is a term LGBT activists use for when someone, “without their permission,” is referred to by their name given to them at birth rather than the name they chose as part of their identity façade. And just when it appears it can’t get any more drastic, SBGG also “permits parents to alter the recorded sex of children beginning from birth. From the age of five years old, it allows for name and sex changes if there is ‘mutual consent’ between the child and their parents.”

Physicians have emphasized that Europe is ahead of the U.S. in terms of how far gender ideology has gone. Some countries, though, such as the U.K., Sweden, Finland, and Norway have begun backtracking as more evidence comes to light of the harmful nature of such procedures. Thankfully, the battle is strong in America from the side of those determined to keep children safe by preventing legislation such as SBGG from happening in this country.

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